本公司是**生产、销售**软磁铁氧体磁芯,高导磁环,骨架,并且可以按客人的电感要求研磨,包括(EE EF EFD EP EPC PQ RM POT UU UT ET UF ER ERL EEL RM GU 磁芯+骨架),磁芯工厂位于湖南,此地矿产丰富,交通便利,人力资源优越,为本公司的持续良性发展提供了得天*厚的条件,本司愿与海内外广大用户真诚合作、互惠互利、共同发展。您的满意是我永远的追求! 您的信任是我较大的自豪! This company is the specialized production, the sales high quality soft magnetism ferrites magnetic core, Gao Daoci the link, the skeleton, and may according to visitor’s request attrition, including (EE EF EFD EP EPC PQ RM POT UU UT ET UF ER ERL EEL RM GU magnetic core + skeleton), the magnetic core factory be located at Hunan, this minerals are rich, the good communications, the human resources are superior, continued the benign development ..